For the first twenty days of December, it was basically crazy studying to catch up on an entire semester's worth of material. Yes. I slacked off like crazy so I didn't study throughout the semester and fell asleep in class. I really wish they had midterms or something so that I would have at least half the material in the brain when i'm studying for finals. I basically lived at the library for a week from the 11th to the 20th (4pm to 6pm or so, sometimes I'd get there a little earlier) and ordered delivery in groups with my other exchange friends (they weren't caught up in their studies for the same exact reasons as me).
I would like to rant about my final exam experience for my Cell Biology class. Usually in the States, you would have exams where they ask you multiple questions testing your knowledge on around 70% of the material presented in class through short answers. At HKU, we were given 6 essay questions. Choosing 4, you would spend 2 hours regurgitating as much information as you can. The questions I choose to answer were something like "Na-K ATPase is very important in cellular processes. Explain" or "Write short notes on two of the following--Adherent Junctions, Collagen, ????something i dont' remember" or something about how things are imported and exported out of the nucleus and so on. The questions were just so freakin general and tested a minuscule amount of information I memorized for the course. It just didn't seem right. I was tested on basically a total of 12 slides out of like...150. Totally uncool.
During my last days abroad after completing my exams, I just splurged like crazy. Bought lots of stuff and ate lots of food no matter the price. I mean, my mentality at that point was eat as much in HK while I can since I won't be here for a while. So, I'm now 10 lbs heavier and realized I am still lacking in souvenirs. oopsies :P
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