Sunday, July 31, 2011


My lab is trying to make me fat before I go back to the States. Recently, we've been having tons of coffee and German desserts right after lunch. Two days ago, Sven bought me a pudding pretzel (right) because we have been talking about it for a while now. I wouldn't say I was pressured into it, but with my "sure....why not" attitude, I finally decided to try one. While we were waiting for our coffees, Florian notices a Windbeutel (left) and I thought that this was going to be a snack for another day. But Sven immediately bought it and gave it to me as a present. So here I am, after lunch arms filled with two different desserts and a cappuccino. Boy did I feel like a fatty after my filling lunch. Luckily, I split the pudding pretzel with Florian so I wasn't too much of a pig :)

Apparently, Florian and Sven were about to make a bet about when I would eat the Windbeutel (cream puff). Sven bet that I would eat the cream puff after 2 while Florian bet that despite the fact that I just at lunch, had coffee, and ate the pudding pretzel, I would still eat the puff before 2. They did not shake for the bet because Florian was not totally sure if I would eat it. However, immediately after I finished my pudding pretzel, I went for the cream puff. Obviously these guys don't know me well enough :P I never save food for later. It should have been an easy win for Florian. They told me about this bet as I was stuffing my face with cream puff. It was not pretty :P

Earlier this week, they bought me this nussecken (image from the internet because I didn't think to take a picture at the time. It's basically like a nut cookie/pie thing. It was pretty good, I liked the cookie and chocolate.

They've also fed me this thing that I can't pronounce. They described it as a cake that was dipped in chocolate (initially I thought it was a pear dipped in chocolate due to the shape). So they handed this dessert to me and dude! It felt like it had to be a least 2 pounds of something. Usually when someone describes something as a cake to you, you'd imagine a soft light cake. Well, not this thing. This has to be the densest cake I have ever tried. I was like holding a rock! It was pretty tasty the first few bites, but then the utils just declined like crazy! In the end I finished it and Florian tells me that dessert is usually for a family of 5 to be eaten in 7 days. I'm sure he was kidding, but that thing was definitely not meant for one person in one sitting. Well, too late :P I hope I won't be too fat when I get back.

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