Monday, November 8, 2010


I feel like I haven't achieved my initial goals for coming to Hong Kong. At first I wanted to meet a lot of the locals and know the culture in Hong Kong better. I wanted to know Hong Kong as if I was a local. The problem is, I haven't really done anything to meet that goal. I figure I need to put myself out there more often, but it's really scary. I'm not comfortable enough to get out of my bubble. Yes, I've formed a bubble while I'm abroad. I don't really go out of it because I feel like it would be too awkward. I feel like I haven't changed at all since I've come here. I'm still procrastinating and using studying as an excuse for not going out as much. Should I be letting go of this attachment to do really well in school and just have fun? But my ultimate goal in life right now is to become a doctor, and in order to do that, I have to get good grades. I really want to be a doctor?

We're talking about how identity is formed right now in my Hong Kong Pop Culture class and it's really making me wonder, who am I? I don't really have any attachments to anything and I feel like I'm just a person that my parents tried to mold myself to be. Do I want to be a doctor? Am I doing what I want to do? I'm confused as to what do I want to do with my life. I always felt that things will fall into place, I'll go to university, get into medical school, someday get married and have kids and then that would pretty much be the end of it. But I realized, these things don't just happen, I have to fight for them. Since these things require effort to achieve, I've been seriously considering whether these are the things I really want. I can't be my parent's puppet my entire life, I have to do things that make me happy. But at the same time, I feel like I have to do these things so that my parents are happy. I mean, they are the people that raised me, isn't this how you repay them? I'm really confused as to what I should do....

wow, all that up there is like cliche questions people ask about their lives. lol. ignore all that. That was just my rant.


  1. Those are questions that everyone asks themselves sometime in their life. I am sure you will figure out what you want to really do. Make sure to pick a profession that will make you yourself (and not your parents) happy. I would like to think that your happiness is their happiness, even though it may not be from a job that pays a lot. Food for thought...

  2. u owe ur parents a lot, but it is still ur life. u repay them with love and being who u r. good grades are important of course, but if it's ur only focus, life is gonna blow u by and one day ur gonna wonder where it all went. like they say, it's not just about the destination, but the journey you took to get there. make it a good one =)

  3. I need to tell you why I changed my decision about going from medicine to going into law.

    I used to see my career choice as how I would most contribute to society, how I could be the most helpful I can be. As I progressed through 2 years in college, I came to realize how well high school had prepared us for such a science-lifestyle. After seeing that, experiencing it, and noticing how a lot of my peers in my classes are just as cold-hearted as the subject material was, I realized that I won't be able to compete against them with they way my own philosophy to life and communication with people.

    I find that choosing a career choice is easier to make once you've figured out your own strengths and weaknesses in your own thinking and mental processes. Figure out what kinds of puzzles (if you like doing puzzles... or other things analogous to puzzles) excite you mentally and go with that.
